Casablanca (1943): Shira’s Take

20 07 2007

Firstly, I must write here my favorite bit in the movie: “I came to Casablanca for the waters.” “The waters? What waters? We’re in the desert.” (pause) “I was misinformed.” I think it epitomizes one of the multiple things I love about this movie: how shamelessly funny it is. It’s amazing how it can be so melodramatic and soap-opera-ish in all the scenes with Rick (Humphrey Bogart) and Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman), and then go on to be so funny in scenes with Rick and Renault (Claude Rains). That is the beauty of Casablanca. Noir, comedy, romance, adventure, and the list goes on. This movie really has something for everyone. Namely, some of the best, most famous and quotable movie lines of all time. And that’s about it. I don’t think there’s anything original to be said about it. Notes to myself: I must have a knockoff of Ilsa’s white coat. You know, the one she wears when she comes to Rick’s alone the first night? With the cinched waist and the puffy shoulders? 10/10